Meet Elizabeth Samwel

Elizabeth Samwel

Elizabeth was born in 21st June 1995. She is currently attending Secondary School in Rhotia, Tanzania . Her father's name is Samwel, and her mothers name is Victoria. But they are divorced. Elizabeth lives with her grandparents and her three brothers whose names are Clinton, Naimu, and Frank. She has three sisters whose names are Apolonia, Martha and Witness. Elizabeth doesn’t stay with her parents she lives with her grandmother and grandfather. about 1.5 km from Rhotia Primary School.
The family earns their living from their farm where they grow maize, peageon nuts, beans, and maize She has lived with her grandparents for a long time. They have some food to eat but not much to sell for other expenses like school supplies. She is struggling in the class, but she likes English, Swahili, Social Studies and Mathematics. For fun she like playing netball and reading story books. She would like to be a teacher.